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MANUVIKASA is an NGO working in Uttara Kannada and Haveri District of Karnataka State on natural resources conservation especially water conservation and bio-diversity conservation, women empowerment, education support to poor and orphan children and livelihood development of small farmers and land less labors. MANUVIKASA is started in 2003 in Karjagi village, Siddapur Taluk of Uttatra Kannada District and working in Two Districts, 14 Blocks and around 45000 families.

SankalpTaru Foundation is an IT enabled NGO, that has so far planted and survived more than 750,000 trees in 16 Indian states and 12 majorly polluted cities of the country from Leh Ladakh to Tamil Nadu to the Sundarbans. We support farmers and empower women to uplift their livelihood by tree plantation. With our healthy green trees, we teach school students about environment conservation and help reduce their carbon footprints. We have integrated GPS technology with Google Earth and Maps to devise geo-tagging of trees, thus providing visibility and transparency to our stakeholders and contributors. Click on this link to see the trees already planted with Scift